
Our Current Vacancies List

HS & Co encourages our lawyers and provides them with guidance to become competent legal professionals for the progress for our lawyers skill and careers. 

Almost every two years, HS & Co hires fresh graduates from the law school who fulfill HS & Co requirement to join as paralegal. HS & Co Reqruits the best talent available, and is always looking to find and retain lawyer and graduates with the skills, values, confidence and capabilities required to deliver professional and service excellence.

Fresh graduates of law student who have academic, english proficiency and intelectual curiosity may submit their applications to HS & Co in hard copy or through email to along with curriculum vitae and an ID color photo addressed to the attention of managing partner of HS & Co. 

Applicant who have law and firm experience and specialized skills will be deemed especially approached. As it continues to grow, HS & Co always looks for good lawyer to be as part of the team. 

If you are looking for a change to your career, please send us an application directly.